Lesson Resources
Find presentations, lesson ideas, activities, songs, games and reading materials to introduce Save Soil in the classroom.

Introductory Presentations
Save Soil Presentation for Younger Children
A slide deck to support an engaging discussion about soil, its importance to our daily lives, what is happening to it and what we can do about it. You can follow this with the ‘Why Save Soil? Young People Explain’ video. Age 3 – 11
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Save Soil Presentation for Older Children
A slide deck to support an engaging discussion about soil, soil health and the Save Soil movement. You can follow this with the ‘Why Save Soil? Young People Explain’ video. Age 7 – 16
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A slide deck to support discussion on the importance of soil and why it needs saving – by Philipp. Age 7 – 16
A presentation explaining what soil is and why we need to look after it – by Pallavi. Age 5 – 11
A presentation covering what soil is made of, the life in soil, how soil is useful for us and what we can do for soil – by Shiv. Age 5 – 11
Lesson Ideas and Activities
Suggestions for Introducing the Theme of Soil in a Creative Class
A collection of simple ideas to introduce the idea of soil into an art, poetry, drama, music or other creative class. Age 5 – 16
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A collection of fantastic lesson ideas for introducing soil to children – by Roxana Păun and Anca Rohan. Age 5 -11
A fun way to have a discussion about the importance of earthworms in soil. Age 7 – 16
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Soil Water Retention and Erosion Experiment
See for yourself how organic matter impacts soil’s ability to store water. Age 5 – 14
A colouring book to introduce the importance of soil to little ones. Age 0-7

A fun way for youngsters to explore everyday encounters with soil through song. Age 5-11
A song expressing how soil is fundamental to the future we create. Age 5-11

Fun, soil-themed songs to classic tunes – by Francis Hole. Age 3-7
Drawing Save Soil by Sophie Snyers
An art lesson personifying the life of the soil – by Sophie Snyers. Age 7-14
Art Lesson – Magical Artwork with Soil
An art lesson using soil and acrylic paint (mixed media) – by Sophie Snyers. Age 7-14

How Calandreta Los Falabreguièrs brought Save Soil into the Classroom
The videos watched, discussions had and activities taken part in – by Mireille. Age 5-11
Don’t Lose Your Cool: Fallen Leaves Insulate the Soil
An experiment to show how leaf litter protects the soil and soil life from extreme temperatures – Soil Science Society of America. Age 7-14
Artwork with Soil and Living Plants
An idea for living wall art – by Sophie Snyers. Age 7-14
Reading Materials
The Magical World of Soil Biodiversity
A collection of beautifully illustrated, informative stories about soil – Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN. Age 5-11
An informative 180 page book that goes into great detail about the biodiversity of soil – Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative. Age 5-18
A story exploring soil in a scientific manner – Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN. Age 7-11
A Dying Teenager’s Recovery Started in the Dirt
An account of how a virus found in soil helped rid a young transplant patient of her infection – The Atlantic. Age 11-18

Life in the soil was thought to be silent. What if it isn’t?
A fascinating article about the sounds that can be found in soil – Knowable Magazine. Age 11-18
Chaos of Delight
A website all about the tiny creatures that live in the soil – packed with exquisite photos and surprising information – Andy Murray. Age 7-18
A Save Soil Exhibition Flyer to invite others to join. – български čeština Deutsch Español Français Hrvatski Italiano Magyar Português Română Српски Slovenščina
A How to Participate Flyer to explain to schools how to take part.
A Save Soil Exhibition Flyer for Children to invite young children and their parents to join. – Deutsch Español Français Hrvatski Italiano Magyar Português Română Српски Slovenščina